Studying outside Québec

You could be eligible for financial assistance even if you are studying outside Québec, either in another Canadian province or abroad. You must, however, meet one of the criteria for residence in Québec.

In addition to meeting this criterion, you must be in one of the following situations:

  • You reside in Québec and you travel to and from your educational institution daily or your pursue your studies through distance learning.
  • You have resided in Québec for at least 2 consecutive years before moving outside the province 5 years ago or less, and you meet one of the following requirements:
    • Your parents or sponsor reside in Québec.
    • Your parents or sponsor formerly resided in Québec and left the province less than 3 years ago.
    • You did not interrupt your full-time studies for more than 12 consecutive months since the date of your departure from Québec.

Also, your educational institution and program must be recognized. If they are not, apply for recognition of a program or an educational institution (PDF 104 Kb) outside Québec.

At the beginning of the school year, your educational institution will need to confirm your student status (PDF 188 Kb). It is possible that your institution will have to confirm your status during the school year.

General notice

You must use the services of a participating financial institution located in Québec.

Last update: May 16, 2024


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General notice

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