Be Considered a Québec Resident

To be considered a Québec resident, you must be in one of the following situations:

  1. You were born in Québec.
  2. One of your parents or sponsor resides in Québec.
  3. You hold a Certificat de sélection du Québec.
  4. Both of your parents (or your sponsor) are deceased and one of them was residing in Québec at the time of their death.
  5. You still reside in Québec even though your parents or your sponsor now live elsewhere.
  6. Québec is the last place where you resided for 12 consecutive months without pursuing postsecondary studies or Québec is the last place where you resided for 24 consecutive months without pursuing full-time studies.  
  7. You were adopted by a person who was residing in Québec at the time of your adoption.
  8. You have resided in Québec for at least 3 months without having resided in another province for more than three months.
  9. You have been in one of the following situations for 3 consecutive years in the last 5 years: 2, 5, 6 or 8.
  10. Your spouse is in one of the above situations, except: 2, 4, 5.

Last update: May 16, 2024


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