Contribution of parents, sponsor or spouse

In addition to your income, the income of your parents, spouse or sponsor may be taken into account when assessing the amount of financial assistance you could receive.

Your personal situation determines whether you are considered a self-supporting student or a student with contribution. To find out more, consult the Student Financial Assistance brochure (PDF 1 Mb) or simulate your situation online.

General notice

Important definitions

The term parents can refer to both of your parents or just one.

The term sponsor refers to the person who agreed to provide for your needs when you obtained your permanent residence, refugee or protected person status.

Students with a spousal contribution

Your spouse's income is taken into account if you are in one of the following situations:

  • You and this person are a couple united by marriage or civil union.
  • You are living with another person without being a couple united by marriage or civil union, and with at least one child (yours or your spouse’s).

Your spouse must complete a declaration.

Self-supporting students without a parental contribution

If you are not in one of the situations listed above, you may be considered a self-supporting student (without contribution). However, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are single and both your parents are deceased.
  • You are divorced, separated or widowed.
  • You are a parent of a child or you are at least 20 weeks pregnant.
  • You supported yourself without residing with your parents for at least 24 months and without being a full-time student.
  • You have worked for at least 24 months without being a full-time student.
  • You have not studied full-time for at least 7 years since the end of your compulsory education.
  • You have been studying at the university level in Québec for at least 3 years and have earned 90 credits in the same program, or 45 credits if you have a major functional disability or recognized as a permanent deemed full-time student.
  • You obtained a bachelor’s degree from Québec or a Diploma of Advanced Studies I in Music.
  • You are pursuing studies in a master’s or doctoral program on a full-time basis.

To find out more, or if you have studied outside Québec, consult the Student Financial Assistance (PDF 1 Mb) brochure.

Students with a parental or sponsor's contribution

A parental or sponsor's contribution is required when you are not in any of the situations described above.

If your parents no longer live together, only the income of the parent you live with or last lived with is considered.

Your parents or sponsor must complete a declaration.

Last update: May 16, 2024


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General notice

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