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Modify child custody and support payments

Modify child support online

SARPA, the Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants, allows you to modify support payments for your children under 18, at a lower cost.

This service applies to you if:

  • You and your ex-partner reside in Quebec.
  • The current child support payment amount was set by a judgment.
  • Your or your ex-partner’s financial situation has changed.
  • Your child’s situation requires that the support payments be recalculated.

Cost: $54
This amount is indexed each year.

The service is free of charge for parents who are financially eligible for legal aid.

Main steps:

  1. Ensure you’re eligible by filling out a short questionnaire online.
  2. Create your account to make your application online easily and securely. You can do it on your own or with your ex-partner.
  3. Your application will be processed within three to six months.

Begin the process

Modify the terms of the judgment

HAS, the Homologation Assistance Service, allows you to modify custody, access rights and support payments for your child or your ex-partner.

You can also modify child support for an adult child, but you must inform the child of it. In addition, you can cancel the child support if your child agrees and is financially independent.

This service applies to you if:

  • You and your ex-partner reside in Quebec.
  • You have a judgment regarding child custody or support payments for a child or an ex-partner.
  • You and your ex-partner are in agreement about the modification of the judgment.

Cost: $321,50 per parent
This amount is indexed each year and is subject to change without notice.

The service is free of charge for parents who are financially eligible for legal aid, subject to the rules applicable to eligibility with contribution. While this service is administered by a legal aid office, it is accessible to all separated parents.

Main steps:  

  1. Fill out the request form and retrieve the necessary documents (a copy of the judgment to be modified, a copy of the child support determination form, proof of income if applicable, etc.).
  2. Make an appointment at a legal aid office that serves your place of residence to submit your request with your ex-partner or separately.
  3. A lawyer will assist you with the preparation of documents until a new judgment is rendered.

Begin the process

To reach the Commission des services juridiques

Office hours:

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

1 855 537-2772 (toll-free)
Or 514 873-3563 (Montréal area)

Last update: May 9, 2024


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