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  6. Make a complaint regarding the services offered by the Secrétariat aux services internationaux à l’enfant or by a certified international adoption body

Make a complaint regarding the services offered by the Secrétariat aux services internationaux à l’enfant or by a certified international adoption body

Fill out the following form to make a complaint about the services offered by the Secrétariat aux services internationaux à l’enfant or by a certified international adoption body.

*Required fields

Contact details of the person making the complaint

Your contact details are required so that we can contact you following your complaint.

Specification of the service concerned

Service concerned by the complaint

Describe the situation

General notice

Be careful with personal information

For security and privacy reasons, do not enter personal information such as your social insurance number.

Maximum 1000 characters

You may include the following information if known and relevant

Confirmation and submission

All the information in the form is confidential. Only authorized persons will have access to your personal information.

The complaint and the information in it will be forwarded to the staff of the Secrétariat aux services internationaux à l’enfant for processing, in accordance with the commitments set out in the Service Statement of the Ministère de la Santé et de Services sociaux. The person responsible for handling complaints will contact you.

See how to make a request for access or correction to your information.

The form will be kept for two years after the file is closed.


Last update: May 1, 2024